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The fear of the unknown

'Vision' is an experimental short film about a mans struggle to cope with anxiety and depression. Blinded by his fear he has forgotten his purpose in life, losing more of himself every time he runs away. The film is depicted as an allegory against the backdrop of a dry South African winter veld.

the film
The characters


A representative


The lost. An average relatable person. The character Man portrays the struggles with the common afflictions that one battles with on a daily basis in one's mind.



The found. Joshua represents the state of liberation and deliverance from affliction. Peace of mind and knowing one's true self and purpose.



The guide. A helper through troubled times. God's protective care.


The journey begins

The films' auteur, Angela de Sousa, came about the idea for 'Vision' in 2017 after a dream she had, and combined it with elements revolving around the topic of anxiety and depression, drawing on inspiration from her personal life and from many others, in hopes that the film will serve as inspiration to the many that struggle with it. She hopes that they'll find comfort knowing that they are not alone and that they can overcome it.


She began drafting out a script and spent almost a year looking into filming the story on a very low budget and keeping within the abstract nature of her dream. Since Angela works in the film industry she called upon talented individuals she worked with to help bring her vision to life. 


'Vision' began filming July 2018 and is currently in post-production, however much is still needed to get the film completed and make it's way into the sun. If you wish to be a sponsor of 'Vision' click here.

The backstory


It's a collaboration

'Vision' is produced by the company Valour House in association with Nightlight Productions, MJ Media House and Infinity Creations

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